EXAM INVIGILATORS wantedHelp our exams run like clockwork!Are you: Reliable and punctual Flexible A...
School is open today. Please take care travelling as it could be slippy.This will be our last weather not...
Asmita (Year 7) competed in the Taekwando sparring tournament in Liverpool.
Hippocrates was born in 460 BC on the island of Kos which I had visited.
Diana (Year 8) - representing her dance school at Pauline Kellett Dance Festival.
Another fantastic national competition to build your character!The GAIN Investment Challenge is a stock pitch compet...
Kehan (Y9): placed 5th in Changquan (Long Fist), 12th in Daoshu (Sabre), and 8th in Gunshu (staff) in the World Junior W...
Good luck to all of our students receiving their GCSE and other results today.
This week we have said goodbye to Mrs Ryland, Mrs Facchin and Mr Stobbs. We would like to wish them every success in the future and thank them for their service to North Cestrian School over the years.
We would like to wish all of our students, staff and parents a wonderful summer break.
Thank you to this fabulous team for their support and hard work over the years. I will miss you all and I wish you every success for the future. ❤️ https://t.co/1ozfI2LrSP
On our final day of the school year our students have been entertained by a number of school musicians. This has been an excellent way to finish off the year. Well done to all musicians. https://t.co/6kkuSdI5nA
We had a great time teaching the young people at @CestrianNorth today. Great that young people have the opportunity to learn basic but life saving skills for free through our campaign with @BBCRadioManc #LearnFirstAid #CPR #Choking #AED #Defib #FirstAid #GreaterManchester https://t.co/iDavwAhFyn
Setting up for Mr Stobbs’ last sports day at North Cestrian. https://t.co/jjmwTw0j4N
Look out for these deals over the summer. https://t.co/RMKgWrLQuv